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Reception: N/A
April 1 - May 11
Celebrate the changing of the seasons with a collection of spring-themed works. Featuring select paintings, drawings, and mixed media works by Reta Cowley, Jennifer Crane, Jonathan Forrest, Lynne Graham, Clint Hunker, Dorothy Knowles, William Perehudoff, Alicia Popoff, and Les Potter.

Installation Images:

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 01

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 02

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 03

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 04

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 05

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 06

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 07

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 08

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 09

Spring Group SHow Installation Image 10


The GALLERY / art placement inc.
238 - 3rd avenue south, saskatoon, SK, canada, S7K 1L9

p: 306.664.3385
f: 306.933.2521
e: gallery@artplacement.com

Art Dealers Association of Canada framingart supplies

© all images, text, and site design